14 May 2020

Hand-painted Butter Cookies

Hand-painted roses on
Bling Bakery cookie
The more time I spend painting my glaze flooded butter cookies, the more time I want to spend painting my glaze flooded butter cookies. 

No joke. 

I have pushed to the side all other decorating ideas and even though I know I should be expanding my picture inventory for my Ordering page, all I can think about is 'what will I paint next?' 

Yesterday I went through Mom's gardening books and chose three with the most paintings and photographs. Lots of ideas there, and plenty to inspire. And that's the thing - I'm not exactly awash with talent so any photo/cartoon/painting or sketch that can serve as a starting point is critical to someone like myself. Where I end up is usually faaaar from where I started but that's always ok - that's the "creative" part that I bring to the product. I also figure there's no such thing as a mistake - it's just a cookie for heaven's sake! 

Hand-painted vines on Bling Bakery cookie
Hand-painted flowers on Bling Bakery cookie
Hand-painted Iris and Wisteria on Bling Bakery cookies
Hand-painted Bling Bakery cookie teapot
Hand-painted flowers and butterflies on cookies

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